100 WC #1

Oliver was the best wedding planner in the world. He was very known for the illustrious locations in which he suggested the couple get married. Oliver was very unique in his own way. He was a very, very, little and very, very, yellow. But none of that stopped him from the whole world knowing who he was. Nothing stood in his way of supervising others and telling people what to do. One day this couple came to him asking him to find a rare location for them to get married. Oliver thought of the perfect spot that comprised of ladybugs.

Who I Am

  1. my name is Sayuri
  2. I have had 5 dogs
  3. I have 4 siblings, 3 brothers and 1 sister
  4. I have traveled only once out of the country to Honduras
  5. my birthday is on October 8th
  6. I am 12 years old
  7. my parents are still together
  8. my favorite food is pozole, a Mexican soup
  9. I am half mexican, half hondurian
  10. I love to dance, I prefer to dance mexican music but i dance a little bit of everything:))

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